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    Cary R. Templin, M.D.

    Spinal Surgery & Disorders
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    Minimally Invasive Procedures for

    Neck & Back Pain Management
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    Non-operative Treatment Options for

    Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine Disorders
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    Traditional Techniques to Maximize the

    Healing Potential of Your Body


Submit your testimonial

Dr. Templin, Thank you very much for adjusting your busy schedule to fit me in ASAP! I cannot tell you how much I appreciated that. Thank you even more for being such a great doctor and fixing my jacked up back!! Stay amazing!

Leah C.


My neighbor knew you by reputation. You took me out of my wheelchair and gave me back my golf life – I can not say thank you enough for being the magician you are.

Larry B.


Dr. “T”,

I just wanted to send you a card and wish you a Happy Holiday. I wake up each day and am thankful you were part of my life. My back hasn’t been this good in years and I owe it all to you. Hope you have a happy holiday season.

John L.


Dear Dr. Templin,

Just a line to say “thank you” for the great care I received from you. The cure was immediate and the recuperation was fast. I was always comfortable and felt that I was truly in good “hands.” Thank you again.

Marilyn M.


Dr. Templin,

You are an exceptional surgeon and I’m very lucky to have had your skill guide me through my surgery. Thank you for caring so much. I’ll remember you for this experience for many years.

With grateful regard,

Mary F.


Dear Cary,

Thank you does not seem adequate to express my thanks for your expertise regarding my spinal MRI. It was so kind of you to take the time to study it and then call and talk to me about it. I so appreciated your insight as to what is happening to my back as well as solutions to the problem. I will keep you posted!

Alice W.


Dr. Templin,

I already have the best Christmas present I could get thanks to you. That is being rid of that awful pain. Anytime you need to hear how great you are, just read this. You are the best in my book!

Doris C.


Dear Dr. Templin,

Good news Report :):
Today, I only took two aspirin & used no topical analgesics. Just now it occurred to me that it is exactly three months since the day of injury (6/26). I wanted to share this wonderful event with you because you have been my “rock.” Oh sure, I still have local tenderness & become very sore with normal activity. However yesterday, I noticed it is treatable with ice & rest. Your optimism & encouragement shepherded me through a very tough time. Your analysis and plan of care has guided me to the brink of wellness. From the deepest part of my heart. Thank You!

Eunice R.


The kindness of strangers is amazing! Thank you so much for your assistance, compassion, caring and professionalism during my “incident” on the United flight from Cancun to Chicago. I have never had an allergic reaction before and traveling alone certainly didn’t help. Please know you made my situation more bearable. If it wasn’t for your assistance and knowledge, things could have turned out much differently. I am fine and doing well.

I only wish I could thank you in person. You truly touched my heart that day!!



Dear Dr. Templin,

I am 10 yrs old and I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful surgery on my dad. My brothers and my one sister want to thank you. Our whole family just wants to say a big thank you.



Dr. Templin,

Thank you for taking such good care of me during surgery. I would have not had it any other way (you being there I mean).



Thank you for being the special person and doctor you are.

The S. Family


Thanks again for taking time to help with A’s grandfather’s injury. There was a lot of panic in our family, but your reassurance was calming and your expertise was beyond helpful. My father in law was effusive in his praise of you. We’re all very grateful. Thanks again.

Frank U.


Dear Dr. Templin,

Thank you so much. I thank God everyday to have the ability to live a halfway normal life again, and to be able to stand up straight so I can enjoy all the beauty of God’s creation and take part in the gifting & wisdom He’s given you -knowledge to do what you do! Through your working hands that God uses through you so mightily! Thanks be to God for the gift given you!

Patricia O.


Dr. Templin,

Thank you for your role in my bacterial infection over the past eight months and your patience in explaining (in layman’s terms) the dangers and consequences of further treatment.

Dennis O.


Dear Dr. Templin,

I just wanted to thank you for taking such good care of my mother-in-law, Maureen. She has only good things to say about you. Thank you also for your honesty with her as she needs to hear the truth in regards to her bone density and her future risks. Thanks again.

Kirsten F.


Dear Dr. Templin,

I wanted to let you know that I feel wonderful and my recovery is going really well! Here is a picture of my family – they are sending you their thanks, too, for restoring their mom/grandma back to health so she can bake more cookies, play more games, go to the park, and rock those babies to sleep! May God bless you and your family, always!

Elizabeth M.


Dr. Templin, Kelly, and Staff,

Thank you very much for your care and compassion when I was in so much pain! I appreciate your efforts to try to get relief before my vacation and the total relief I got after surgery. I am feeling so much better and I can’t thank you enough! God Bless All of You!!

Tiny W.


Dear Dr. Templin,

Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everything you have done for me! You have changed my life! I don’t know where I’d be without you! I no longer have to plan my life around my back pain. Finally, after years, I’m pain free! Thank you for giving me my freedom back! 🙂
Thanks you so much, I will forever be grateful!

Nikki L.


Dear Dr. Templin,

“Stellar” is the word that came to me in thinking about your service and care that I experienced at both your office and at the hospital as your patient. I was surprised to actually find a card with that word on it, but knew it was the right card for you!

Marylou D.


Dr. Templin,

There are no words adequate enough to express my gratitude to you for the successful operation on my back. Thank you for helping me return to the wife, mother, and grandma that I used to be. May God bless you and your family.

Elizabeth M.


Thank you for changing my life. I am forever grateful.

Carl M.


Dr. Templin & Staff,

Thank you for making my life 100% with my “new” back! Still going strong!

Nicole L.


Dear Dr. Templin,

You are truly a gifted surgeon and without a doubt, I am sure have helped many patients in your career. With sincere gratitude for the gift you have given me.

Anita B.


Dear Dr. Templin,

Thank you for doing such a good job on my back last September. I was hurting for so long and to finally get relief was wonderful. God has given each of us talents and abilities. He didn’t slouch on you. May you maintain this skill of surgeon for many more years as this demonstrates our mission in life; to give glory to God in the service of others. With sincere gratitude.

Sue P.


Thank you for everything. You are a true blessing.

Sadie H.


Patient’s testimonial on bike road trip out west (postcards):

Postcard 1: I’m testing out your workmanship on my way to California. Things are holding up so far. Thanks so much Doc!

Postcard 2: Still feel like a million bucks.

Postcard 3: Me and my Harley are holding up just fine. Darn you do good work. Thanks so much.

Postcard 4: Hi Doc things are great! We are off to the Grand Canyon. Thanks so much.

Postcard 5: Well Doc I have run out of road. Looks like I will be heading back. Oh by the way, I told my UPS buddy, with you, he’s got the best in the business for a doctor.

Tim S.

“How can I thank you? Not just for your professional skills but for the thought and concern you displayed while treating me.”

Felt staff and Doctor cared about me the patient
Sally N.

It was one of the best Dr. Visits I have ever experienced.
Lois G.

Very professional and friendly people. My particular problem was examined in detail, and my questions were answered. I am very satisfied with the care I received from Dr. Templin.
Magdalena C.

I had a L3-4 Lateral Fusion done by Dr. Templin in December of 2015. Three and a half weeks after my surgery I returned to work full time! Prior to surgery, Dr. Templin ordered physical therapy and injections. He wanted to be certain that surgical intervention was the correct and best option for me. He showed compassion and concern for me before, during, and after my surgery. I am continuing to do very well and no longer experience back or leg pain! Dr. Templin is an extremely skilled surgeon. I am very thankful to Dr. Templin and his staff!
Liz D.

I was pleased with the professional manner of all the staff that I interfaced with.
David B.

Dr. Templin was very easy to talk to and listened to me. He actually spends time with the patient, not just a rush in and out type of Dr. I also like the fact that he is so personable.
Terra R.

Staff and Physicians I felt were very impressive
Brian V.

Robert S.

I thought the office was very well run and efficient. The doctor was very pleasant and on time for the appointment.
Catherine R.

Notice: Click here to view information regarding COVID-19. We are set-up and available to offer our patients Telemedicine Visits.